Hello I'm Cintia
Front-End Developer


to my portfolio 😉

Designer Skills

  • Design thinking
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Lightroom
  • InDesign

Developer Skills

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • Ui libraries
  • Nodejs
  • Git

Soft Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Self Driven
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Agile Methodologies


🌟 Passionate Software Engineer focused on Front-End development and web applications, dedicated to continuous growth in the dynamic tech landscape. I bring a creative, communicative, and easy-going approach to every collaboration I engage.

🚀 Proficient in crafting scalable web applications using a modern tech stack, in JavaScript, ReactJs, Nodejs, and Tailwind. It's not just about the code; it's about collaboration, time management, and Agile methodology using CI/CD delivery. A tech enthusiast with a keen sense of teamwork and a drive to deliver results.

🎨 My background in Graphic Design, coupled with my design thinking skills, help me in positions where I can contribute as a UX/UI designer. I believe in applying design concepts and user-centred thinking to create exceptional user experiences, blending the artistry of design with code.



Health Boss APP

Health Boss App is an app where you can track your meals and exercise to improve your health. I assumed the role as the front-end developer responsible for crafting the visual aesthetics and overall appearance of our applicationmeticulously tailoring it to align with our specific requirements.

#NextJs #Teamwork #Tailwinds #Mongoose #Cypress #Fullstack #Figma

Full stack Sayxiis

App about photos for who like ONLY photos and competions, this app has mobile version and desktop, React.js for the front-end, delivering a dynamic and responsive user interface, PostgreSQL and Express for the back-end, ensuring robust data management and server-side functionality, Vanilla CSS, tailored with precision, to craft a visually appealing and distinctive aesthetic

#Reactjs #Figma #CSS #Fullstack #Express #Postgres

Fullstack Dad Jokes

App where you can genarete random quotes from API and save the ones you like in the database

#Angular #CSS #Fullstack #Mongoose #Express #Fullstack #API

Fullstack Studio Ghibli Film

Full Stack Web application where you can see the list of films of studio ghibli, save the favorites one and share the list on the social media, using reactjs in the frontend and express in the backend with non-relational database mongoose

#Express #Nextjs #Fullstack #Mongoose Tailwinds

News Percayso

Website for to search and see the news using an third-part api that fetch information about news from user input, used reacj.js in the frontend and Sass for the style

#ReactJs #API #PostRequest #Cypress #Netifly #SaSS #Frontend

Panda memory game

A simple memory game, for to show DOM manipulation using only Vanilla JavaScrit and CSS

#JavaScript #DOM #game #CSS #Grid

Job Tracker - School of Code

A fullStack application built with Agile Team where main idea off this app is that other people could use to list their work without using tables or email, main main function in this project was deal with the styling, feat dark mode and did some of the testing in the backend routes and BDD frontend E2E

#ReactJs #Teamwork #Tailwinds #Jira #Agile #Cypress #Fullstack

Contact me





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Thank you!